
Brittania - 2009-01-03 20:46:26
We've ordered an anger management book over here - will let you know if it works. Also, we had decided to get married in August 09, but I've hit one obstacle and it's day three and I'm all bored of the idea (i.e. wishing you better luck, unless you already are married and are deciding to marry again, going for two husbands, in which case, the last thing you'll be is bored). Tanks here, too, and storm trooper helmets. Wishing happy new year. Britt
Melissa - 2009-01-04 20:29:02
Happy New Year to you, dearest Britannia. I do want to know about that book before I am consumed by anger from the inside out (it seems like all the organs will go first. I'm not too attached to my spleen anyway). The marriage thing, ugh. I just want to be married. Unfortunately we can't elope again - I would, otherwise - since I already did that once. So this time it has to be done in style. And that's so not my way. Can one plan a big, mousy wedding? This is what I'd like. Or something at the Elvis chapel in Vegas, wouldn't mind that. Actually, recently I read that in Colorado two people can marry themselves. So I was toying with the idea of doing that, filmin it and then just posting a YouTube link. Then invite everyone over for cake and champagne at some date in 2009. You must come too!
Molu - 2009-01-05 02:06:55
Ha! My list is 1, 2, 3, 4, and 8. Especially the one about the DENTIST. Everybody in this house MUST GO TO THE DENTIST IN 2009. I decree. Re: getting married. Ugh! I want to just have it in my past, too. Will probably elope. So lame.
Melissa - 2009-01-05 02:54:08
I am really and truly afraid of the dentist now since I have not taken any children there at all. Alas, this is far from my greatest failing as a parent. But I guess it's close.
Melissa - 2009-01-05 05:12:38
Dammit, Peter nixed my self-marriage/YouTube plan. And I thought it was BRILLIANT.
Brittania - 2009-01-06 04:08:26
I like the YouTube plan that way we can get all mushy from afar, but I thought if we went to Colorado we had to drink Coors. I don't like Coors, I prefer Busch Light because I have distinguished taste, but I'd probably have to drink it if I went all out West-n-shit. Can I drink Coors at yr wedding I guess is what I'm asking. Also. Teeth. How about I'll marry you off if you marry me off? I want someone to read: So different this man this woman a stream flowing in a field. And that be it. IT, I SAY! (Le anger.)
Brittania - 2009-01-06 04:11:50
Oh yes. I forgot to say: I proposed to Ron, good, old-fashioned at the Crosby, Stills, and Nash concert-- had to do something extra if Neil wasn't gonna be there (seemed like a clever thing to say-- but really, it was straight mush). And, I told my mom, and she was so EXCITED. That there practically ruined me for marrying.
Melissa - 2009-01-11 18:31:23
In Colorado we let you drink whatever beer you like. This is why so many people decide to move here.

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