
emily - 2006-10-31 20:18:05
Hi, you. How is your foot? Can you walk better now? Cuz winter's coming. Or already started coming, for you there.
Melissa - 2006-11-01 20:34:38
Thanks for asking. I walk! Sometimes I still take my cane out with me, it being pink after all. And also so handy and impressive in a don't-tread-on-me way. Sometimes I limp. I got the clean bill of health on Tuesday (the latest - and now last - round of xrays showing such glorious improvement) and have been OK'd to start skiing, etc. But it has already been decided (by the gods!): I shall never ski in this life. I may try skating again next year, though. Right now the patches of ice on the ground alarm me and also uneven ground. Uneven ground is something of a horror & v. v. treacherous.
Brittania - 2006-11-02 08:55:50
Yay! Elijah was Chewbacca and asks to put on the costume every morning. I'm inclined to because he's much better behaved as a Wookie. Cheers to y'all.
Melissa - 2006-11-02 16:30:05
We are still all costumes all the time here. Mainly Batman. I have now realized why you never see any Jedi changing diapers in the Star Wars movies (I mean, we *know* they have kids, right?): It's because of those damned sleeves. Also, it's hard to drive a Toyota with a lightsaber slung around your giganto Jedi belt. And don't even get me started on the bathroom breaks .... We had the Wookiee costume too (for Ro) but lost it somewhere in the house, alas.

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