
Britt - 2006-05-16 13:36:49
I always read that. I just learned this just now, from you. Where have I been? I always picture him from that one thing, in his garden, little and wrinkled like a baby. Shucks.
Molly - 2006-05-16 17:26:35
I read it in the NYX. Made me tear up at work--did you read that article? The poem that ended it? I've been thinking of that last verse of Halley's Comet all day.
Melissa - 2006-05-17 10:12:24
I read it on Metafilter, I guess. Want to read the many bios and encomiums that are surely out there - when I get around to it. I think: It seems dumb to mourn such a long lovely useful life. But then it's impossible not to feel sad when I think about that untended rose garden. Today Baby Ro just about walked his first step - stood there swaying but balanced for awhile, stepping away from the couch instead of along it. I was thinking: I want to either live to 100 or die tomorrow.

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